Continuous Growth in Cultural Transformation
Have you recently added leaders to your team?
Would you like them to experience the same transformational benefits as the leaders who’ve already gone through our program?
Are you looking to further deepen the cultural transformation on your team?
Introducing The Phoenix Transformational Leadership Academy
The Phoenix Transformational Leadership Academy is designed specifically for leaders who have joined your organization or been promoted since your leadership team completed the Transformational Leadership Experience. This unique academy offers these new leaders the opportunity to:
Gain the benefits of our Transformational Leadership Experience.
Align with the cultural values and leadership principles that have already been established within your team.
Continue the journey of cultural growth and transformation at a deeper level.
You can choose to enroll one or several of your new leaders in the Academy, ensuring that they are equipped to help guide your team through ongoing transformation and success.
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What To Expect
April 2025 (more specific details forthcoming)
New leaders, alongside peers from other Phoenix client organizations, will be joined by a sponsoring coach from your organization. They will experience the following:
Sponsoring Coach: A coach from within your organization (such as their manager) who will ensure the new leader receives support throughout the program and helps integrate their new insights into day-to-day operations. The sponsoring coach serves as the internal guide for their success.
4-Hour Orientation: A session for both the new leader and their sponsoring coach, setting expectations and ensuring a successful start to the program.
2-Day Transformational Leadership (Off-Site) Retreat: An immersive experience for the participant designed to accelerate growth and integration of leadership principles.
Professional Coaching: Phoenix coaches will provide tailored support to help new leaders apply their learnings effectively in their roles.
6 Monthly Coaching Sessions: Ongoing group coaching with leaders from other Phoenix client organizations across the country and from various industries. These sessions allow for shared learning and support as participants continue to grow.
For the 2-day retreat and 6-months of coaching the cost per participant is $3,500
The Leadership Academy is offered on-site in Detroit, Michigan (a city experiencing transformation itself!)
Have you heard about the transformation of the Michigan Central Station? It's incredible!

Detroit, Michigan

Interested in learning more?

Why Phoenix?
For 30 years, Phoenix Performance Partners has been helping CEOs create high-performing cultures. We are known for:

helping clients get to the root cause of difficult-to-discuss, high-stakes issues in a manner that is direct, supportive and valuable.

facilitating the development of open, collaborative, coaching cultures that inspire creativity, engagement, innovation, and improved results.